CF Slate chosen for St James' Church Auckland, New Zealand
Stunning roof for Tottori Sand Museum Tottori, Japan
Ohtakijo Golf Club choose Metrotile Shake for mono-pitch roof Chiba, Japan
Modern look achieved with Shake Auckland, New Zealand
Re-roof in paradise Nouméa, New Caledonia
Our Lady of Victories Church Christchurch, New Zealand
Re-roof for Parnell School Auckland, New Zealand
Impressive Shake roof for Church Krakow, Poland
Tilcor roof for Siberian Pine cabin Poland
Villa Granit Krościenko Southern Poland
Charming shake roof Northern Poland
Swipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Stunning roof for Tottori Sand Museum
Tottori, JapanSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Ohtakijo Golf Club choose Metrotile Shake for mono-pitch roof
Chiba, JapanSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Modern look achieved with Shake
Auckland, New ZealandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Impressive Shake roof for Church
Krakow, PolandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Tilcor roof for Siberian Pine cabin
PolandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Villa Granit Krościenko
Southern PolandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom