Si želite strešno kritino ki izstopa iz povprečja konkurenčnih produktov? Tilcor vam lahko pomaga.
Stranke iščejo najboljše možnosti, mnogi lastniki se soočajo s puščajočimi strehami in s škodo zaradi dotrajanosti, toče, močnega vetra, požarov in drugih naravnih nesreč, ki jih povzročajo vse hujše podnebne razmere. Potrošniki zahtevajo kakovost in trajnost - želijo vedeti, kakšni so izdelki, ki predstavljajo njihov dom in od kod prihajajo.
Lastniki hiš iščejo strešne kritine, ki so energetsko učinkovitejše, trajnejše in enostavnejše ter hitrejše za namestitev. Če imate najboljši izdelek, ste lahko po tem prepoznavni. Ne samo, da vam Tilcor lahko prinese več naročil, ampak vam lahko prinese tudi boljši poslovni rezultat vašega podjetja.
Prednosti kritine TilcoR:
V podjetju Tilcor ponujamo najboljše izdelke na trgu in odlično podporo krovcem. Opremili vas bomo z znanjem, potrebnim za svetovanje strankam. Po potrebi se lahko dogovorimo za usposabljanje na samem objektu.
Tudi mi smo začeli kot krovci, imamo več kot 75 let izkušenj s strešnimi kritinami, zato vemo, kaj je potrebno za kvalitetno izvedbo strehe in pri montaži naših izdelkov je enostavna namestitev ključnega pomena.
Iz montaže klasičnih kritin kot so opečne in betonske je enostavno preiti na montažo strešnikov iz jeklene pločevine s posipom. Naša paleta oblik in barv Tilcor pa lahko izpolni še tako zahtevne želje po tradicionalnem videzu. Če ste torej aktivni v krovski branži in se želite usmeriti v montažo pločevinaste kritine Tilcor, stopite v stik z nami.
Made to face up to nature
Zaradi svoje trdnosti, lahkosti in načina pritrditve so strešniki Tilcor primerni za:
Odpornost proti toči: razred 4 (najvišji možni)
Požarna odpornost: razred A (najvišji možni)
Lahka za povečanje potresne varnosti
Proti orkanskim vetrovom
Nastajanje ledu za kritino ni problematično
Primerno za vroča in hladna okolja
50 year warranty
So the homeowner has peace of mind and you know you have Tilcor behind you
Global reputation for strength and quality
Tilcor is installed in more than 80 countries around the world. From the extreme winters of Russia, the Typhoons and Earthquakes of Japan, The intense heat of Africa, Tilcor has proven itself the world over and from Coast to Coast here in America.
Tested to meet and exceed building codes
Our roof products exceed every common benchmark for strength and durability. In fact, our roofs are fire and earthquake safe, hail and wind resistant and will never warp or rust like other materials. Even in an area prone to severe weather events like hail or hurricanes our roofs will stand the test of time.
Installation benefits that deliver value for your business
Made by roofers for roofers.
We are roofers too, we have over 75 years of roofing experience so we know what it takes to install a roof, so when we are designing our products, the ease of installation is a key focus. The panels are installed in a simple cut, nail or screw and interlock system which means less skilled labor is required to install them, and less labor is needed overall.
Extend your roofing season
Our panels can be installed in any weather as they are not reliant on a seal strip to bond panels together like asphalt shingles. So you can extend your roofing season and earn more money.
Cost effective delivery
A modular, lightweight system, often an entire roof can be delivered on one pallet, saving space on site and reducing delivery costs.
Faster installation
Tilcor profiles are installed as panels instead of individual tiles, making the process faster.
See how our roofing is installed using a batten system
Made from highest quality materials
We only use the highest quality materials and follow an extensive Quality Assurance process to ensure that only the very best make it into our Tilcor products. From our quality stone for our textured coatings to the highly regarded New Zealand steel.
New Zealand steel is unique as it made from ironsands sourced from the west coast of New Zealand. The iron ore in the sand is separated by magnets and then used to create steel. This process leads high quality, high grade steel.
The steel is coated with Zinalume, combining the corrosion protection of aluminium with the sacrificial protection of zinc to create an alloy that's ideal for roofing and with a serviceable life that far exceeds galvanised products.
Our ISO9001 manufacturing facility, upholds the highest standards from product sourcing, through manufacturing to delivery of materials.
Environmental Benefits
Made from the most recycled building material in the world, steel. Steel is infinitely recyclable so unlike other roofing products it will continue to be reused over and over again. Also given that a roof can be supplied on 1 or 2 pallets, a Tilcor roof has a low carbon footprint.
Tilcor panels have been tested and meet the World Health Organisation standards for water run off, meaning you can drink water from a Tilcor roof, other roofing products, like Asphalt Shingles can break down and can become toxic after a few years.
Best thermal performance and energy efficiency
Tilcor roofs are known as “cool roofs”. This means they have the ability to cut building owners’ energy costs because they reduce the need for air conditioning.
Tilcor roofing products are designed to be elevated from the roof deck which creates a natural air flow referred to as “Above Sheathing Ventilation”(ASV). This ventilation prevents heat gain in the summer and heat loss in the winter. In addition to proper attic insulation, this can help lower electric costs associated with heating/cooling.
The combination between our steel panels and ASV have seen customers achieve 30% reductions in the energy bills.
We have a range of 10 profiles have been inspired by the roofs that shaped the world, from the Spanish tile inspired Antica, to shake and shingle profiles. With our range of colours you can be sure there is a product you need to deliver the perfect look.
We’re a privately owned family business, which means we operate on a personal level, building strong, long-term relationships with our roofing distributors and contractors. Our strong ethics underpin everything we do and position us as a trusted roof maker that will stand by our products for decades to come. We’re proud to have a great team of passionate people involved in the business and look forward to meeting your team.