Țigla metalică cu acoperire din rocă Ticlor model Classic este prevăzută cu un profil unghiular bine definit, fiind unul dintre cele mai populare produse din gama Tilcor. Liniile sale ascuțite, curate și marginile înclinate creează o adâncime suplimentară și sporesc visual dimensiunile acoperișului.Tilcor Classic este disponibilă într-o gamă variată de culori, potrivite tuturor preferințelor în materie de design.


Product Specifications
- Overall Length
- 1320 mm
- Length of cover
- 1265 mm
- Width of cover
- 369 mm
- Roof cover /Tile
- 0.467 m2
- Tiles /m2
- 2.14
- Weight /Tile
- 2.87 kg
- Weight /m2
- 6.14 kg
- Minimum roof pitch
- 12 degrees
Tilcor performance guarantees
Tilcor's textured finish provides added protection by embedding stone granules in an acrylic base-coat. A final clear acrylic over-glaze is applied before being oven cured at 120° C. This extremely durable UV-resistant coating enables Tilcor roofing products to withstand the harshest environments around the world. Tilcor is ISO 9001 accredited and has international tests reports, appraisals and field results confirm our products are 100% waterproof, earthquake safe, fire resistant and able to withstand hurricane-force winds of up to 190kph. A Tilcor roof will not only safeguard your investment but will also give you complete peace of mind because it's backed by a Tilcor Warranty.