Browse some of our projects to find which one of our products is right for you.
Tilcor Shake Charcoal - amazing Domki Baligówka, southern Poland Czarny Dunajec, Poland
New look with the Shake Coffee Brown Tilcor tile Poland
Tilcor Shake Charcoal on the roof of a traditional wooden restaurant in Krakow Cracow, Poland
Tilcor Classic Charcoal is always the perfect choice Lithuania
Lovely re-roofing project - Tudor Autumn Tilcor Nałęczów, Poland.
Hotel Ciągłówka - inspiring Shake Charcoal
Beautiful holiday resort with Shake roofs - Largo Lake Resort Kaszuby, Poland
private investment in northern Poland Poland
Charming Hotel under the Tilcor Shake roof Northern Poland
New roof for historic cabin Morocco, Indiana, USA
Shake chosen for showhome Hamilton, New Zealand
Classic, the perfect choice of this home. Tasman, New Zealand
High contrast used to achieve a contemporary look New Plymouth, New Zealand
mix of Bond Tile Inspiration
Shake Brown Bark
Classic Tile Tilcor
Tilcor Shake
Stunning roof for Tottori Sand Museum Tottori, Japan
Ohtakijo Golf Club choose Tilcor Shake for mono-pitch roof Chiba, Japan
Modern look achieved with shake Auckland, New Zealand
Lightweight roof for apartments Ryugasaki, Japan
Train station keeps character with re-roof Nikkō, Japan
Wedding Centre gets a re-roof Hiroshima, Japan
Re-roof in paradise Nouméa, New Caledonia
Our Lady of Victories Church Christchurch, New Zealand
Re-roof for Parnell Shcool Auckland, New Zealand
Impressive church roof Krakow, Poland
Tilcor roof for Siberian Pine cabin Poland
Villa Granit Krościenko Południowa Polska
Charming shake roof Northern Poland
Buffalo Eye - Shake Charcoal Northern Poland
Another new roof, another proof that TILCOR Shake looks excellent Poland
Swipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Tilcor Shake Charcoal - amazing Domki Baligówka, southern Poland
Czarny Dunajec, PolandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
New look with the Shake Coffee Brown Tilcor tile
PolandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Tilcor Shake Charcoal on the roof of a traditional wooden restaurant in Krakow
Cracow, PolandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Tilcor Classic Charcoal is always the perfect choice
LithuaniaSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Lovely re-roofing project - Tudor Autumn Tilcor
Nałęczów, Poland.Swipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Hotel Ciągłówka - inspiring Shake Charcoal
Swipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Beautiful holiday resort with Shake roofs - Largo Lake Resort
Kaszuby, PolandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
private investment in northern Poland
PolandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Charming Hotel under the Tilcor Shake roof
Northern PolandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Shake chosen for showhome
Hamilton, New ZealandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Classic, the perfect choice of this home.
Tasman, New ZealandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
High contrast used to achieve a contemporary look
New Plymouth, New ZealandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Swipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Swipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Swipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Tilcor Shake
Swipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Stunning roof for Tottori Sand Museum
Tottori, JapanSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Ohtakijo Golf Club choose Tilcor Shake for mono-pitch roof
Chiba, JapanSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Modern look achieved with shake
Auckland, New ZealandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Re-roof for Parnell Shcool
Auckland, New ZealandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Impressive church roof
Krakow, PolandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Tilcor roof for Siberian Pine cabin
PolandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Villa Granit Krościenko
Południowa PolskaSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Charming shake roof
Northern PolandSwipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom
Swipe to scroll. Pinch to zoom